Celebrities with the Most Expensive Plastic Surgery!

Celebrities live under a lot of pressure to be physically perfect. And that can take a lot of celebrities to go under the heels and begin to correct what many people do not even think was broken. Especially with the advent of social media and how celebrities invite fans in their private life, take photos at home, on stage, in recording studio, nowhere. The comments that will follow after each post may be brutal and leave thinking is the time to do some celebrity work - with many regrets later in life. Here are 15 celebrities with the most expensive plastic surgery.

Celebrities with the Most Expensive Plastic Surgery!

Nicki Minaj
Nicki Minaj is one of the most talked about recording artists when it comes to doing a bit of work. The singer Anaconda was said to be on the way for some procedures. Among them: skin whitening to lighten their skin, a nose job up, to repair breast implants, and obtain silicone prostheses that make the back, the most talked about soccer in the music, will have a cost of About $ 5,000.

Celebrities with the Most Expensive Plastic Surgery!

Nadya Suleman
Nadya Suleman was talking about the city where the world came to know she was pregnant with eight twins and gave her the nickname Octomom. And after stretching his body on the capacity of 8 fetuses growing in the womb (14 children in total), he decided to do some work. She decided with vaginal rejuvenation, a nose work and lip injections for over $ 12,000 to go together.

Celebrities with the Most Expensive Plastic Surgery!

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